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Becoming a Candidate

Dream of one day becoming Miss Louisiana... or even Miss America?

You have ideas and plans and goals - so much to offer the world - but how? Each year young women just like you choose to compete in the Miss America system. That's right! Many of them are just like you - yet they know that the Miss America Organization is the single largest provider of scholarships for young women in the world.

To become a candidate, you must:

  • Be between the ages of 17 and 25

  • Be a United States citizen

  • Meet residency requirements for competing in Louisiana.

  • Meet character criteria as set forth by the Miss America Organization

  • Be in reasonably good health to meet the job requirements

  • Be able to meet the time commitment and job responsibilities as set forth by the local, state and national competition(s) in which you compete

  • Meet all additional requirements pursuant to the Miss America State and Local Application & Agreement.


If you meet the above criteria, then register to compete!


Registration Fee

Please register and pay the $35 registration fee to the Miss America Organization.







Those that register will receive the following benefits;

  • Access to compete in local Miss/Teen Competitions

  • Chance to win a $1,000 scholarship – one in each state + D.C.

  • Access to our exclusive Professional Development Series with experts in areas such as:

    • Social Media training

    • Public speaking

    • Media/Press training

    • Advocacy & Fundraising

    • Financial literacy

    • Health & Wellness / Peak Performance training

    • Resume building

    • Career opportunities and networking events

    • Exclusive Miss America merchandise and discounts

    • ​

If you choose to compete in a Miss Louisiana Local Preliminary, you will need to register and pay $75 per local you enter.



Phases of Competition

  • Private Interview with Panel of Judges

  • Talent

  • On-Stage Interview

  • Red Carpet (Evening Wear)​

  • Social Impact Pitch

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